Marin Apostol log | Lumea lu saramon

We – the GenXers – think of the internet as the open web. The land of dialup telnet Unix systems, the days of table layout, the days of dot com, the days of early tech startups, the days of the internet as a connector, the days of the internet as a business opportunity, the days of the internet as a path to social justice and revolutions, the days of the internet as a light in the darkness. That’s all we have ever known.

Today’s policy facilitators – the millenials – think of the internet as MySpace and Facebook. The closed web. The land of always-on broadband and wifi, the days of content management systems, the days of tech bros, the days of the internet as a divider, the days of the internet as an acquisition for the giants, the days of the internet as a path to radicalisation and hatred, the days of the internet as petrol on a spark. That is all they have ever known.

Heather Burns, Why Generation X will save the web

Internet Health Report 2020

Pentru al patrulea an consecutiv, Mozilla prezintă Internet Health Report, un raport care trece în revistă principalele evenimente care au avut loc în anul care a trecut și care au avut impact asupra sănătății web-ului. 2020 a fost un an cu multe provocări din acest punct de vedere. S-au adus mult în discuție centralizarea puterii […]

Blockchain, o soluție în căutarea problemei

Blockchain. Cu siguranță ai auzit de acest termen. Probabil, cel mai des, în combinație cu bitcoin sau cu alte monede virtuale. Dar ce este acest blockchain? Un student și pasionat de blockchain, Maarten Velthuijs, încearcă să explice: e un sistem care nu poate fi oprit; e o forță a naturii; e un algoritm descentralizat. Pentru […]

In my career I’ve found few people are truly evil, most are just too far disconnected from the effects of their actions. Until someone reconnects them.

Marcus Hutchins, the WannaCry guy

When you are 90% done any large project (a house, a film, an event, an app) the rest of the myriad details will take a second 90% to complete.

Kevin Kelly, co-founder Wired

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